About us

Licogutea home foundation (LHF)

Licogutea Home Foundation is a Non-Government organization saddled with the responsibility of inspiring teenagers to spur them into greatness in life. We are an organization equipped with the required tools and resources to help young teenagers focus on their ingenuities and innate abilities which will help them achieve their God’s given dreams. Our strategies are directed at shifting their focus from countless distractions which had sway so many future hopes. We try as much as God has enabled us to ensure that even those children with glooming family background and lack of parental care do not allow their circumstances reconfigure their mental make ups or dictate their future.

We accomplish our goals in teenagers by equipping them with the right skills, education and values which will make them independent of their environment and also make them dependable leaders tomorrow. In fact, every teenager who passes through Licogutea Home Foundation is a potential leader.  



Vision & Mission

Vision: To raise future leaders through a conscious efforts channeled towards the reorientation of the minds of the supposed leaders.


Mission: To stand out as a great influence, and encourage positive standard and to breed men and women of integrity and purpose that will be the best for God, themselves and the Nation.


Our Core Values 

Our Core values are at the root of what we believe, and these are our driving forces. The acronym is PERIOD 

P: Purposeful 

E:  Empathy 

R:  Resilience 

I:   Integrity 

O: Originality 

D: Determination


Our founding philosophy as encapsulated in our purpose is to; 


To mentor, teach, lead, guide and inculcate biblical and moral values to teenagers and young people, assist and encourage them to realize their purpose for life, gifts potential in order to lead godly lives in Jesus Christ, succeed, attain a good future and become responsible members of the society. 


We will do everything within our powers to protect teenagers and young people from being exploited, becoming victims of sexual and other form of abuse. We will guide them to prevent incidences of unwanted teenage pregnancies through intensive public health education and counselling and we will rescue, nurture, rehabilitate and/or facilitate the rehabilitation of troubled, homeless teenagers and young persons who have been exploited or subjected to sexual and other forms of abuse. 


Also, we will provide support and assistance for the spiritual, educational vocational and general development and empowerment of teenagers and young persons through teaching, guidance and counselling, mentoring, training, organized lectures, examination preparation and school placement and provision of financial aid and or other assistance as may be required. 


And last but not the least, to do all such things incidental to the attainment of the objects of incorporation of LICOGUTEA HOME FOUNDATION.



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