Licogutea home foundation
is a Non-Government organization saddled with the responsibility of inspiring teenagers to spur them into greatness in life. We are an organization equipped with the required tools and resources to help young teenagers focus on their ingenuities and innate abilities which will help them achieve their God’s given dreams.

 Our strategies are directed at shifting their focus from countless distractions which had sway so many future hopes. We try as much as God has enabled us to ensure that even those children with glooming family background and lack of parental care do not allow their circumstances reconfigure their mental make ups or dictate their future.

We accomplish our goals in teenagers by equipping them with the right skills, education and values which will make them independent of their environment and also make them dependable leaders tomorrow. In fact, every teenager who passes through Licogutea Home Foundation is a potential leader. 

More to come…………………………………….


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